Audiobook Trick & Sato's Story
MP3 digital download of 4th San Andreas Shifters Audiobook narrated by Shea Taylor.
Once upon a time, Trick went up against the sea and lost. Badly. Or so he thought.
What the sea decides to keep, it keeps forever.
Trick is a dratsie shifter, a river otter. He is charming, loads of fun, and just a little bit slippery. He’s running from a past he can’t forget, and he’s landed unexpectedly in the chaotic comforting embrace of a small town cafe and the world’s queerest pack of werewolves.
Unfortunately, it turns out the past has also refused to forget Trick. It washes up on his doorstep and gets instantly tangled up in marine biology conferences, twelve mermaids thrift shopping, and specialty cappuccinos. That past is grumpy, sexy, and wearing a very sparkly tail. (Don’t you dare call him a fish.)
Trick was just starting to feel like it was all going to be okay. But sometimes the sea decides to spit up a merman who has been looking for Trick for over a decade. And Trick will have to decide whether he starts running all over again or faces up to heartbreak and the childhood best friend who betrayed him.
WARNING: Gumroad app (specifically on the iPhone 8, but possibly other phones) isn't user friendly. Spies reported in to say if you just "download a different MP3 app" and use that instead, it works better.
MP3 Audiobook of DRATSIE DILEMMA as 24 Mp3 Files: 3 intros, 20 chapters, 1 outro. Files, may not work on Gumroad app on iPhone, use an MP3 app instead.